sampletank 3 免费版是一款非常标准的印了工作站软件;它是由IK Multimedia公司研发的,是从古到今第一个基于样本研发的声音工作站,它拥有现在最先击音响工作站,演奏先进、编辑功能、录音室品质的效果等,为大家展示了一个全新的世界,在SampleTank 3(音乐工作站软件) 基础上,现场表演是音乐工具箱之中不可或缺的一部分,需要的朋友可以将sampletank 3 免费版下载来试试吧!
接下来在2003年上市的SampleTank 2也迅速成为行业标杆音源工作站软件,具有其它软件所不可比拟的使用寿命
经过十年的精心打磨,现在,最新推出的SampleTank 3又将传承这些特色
SampleTank 3所包含的功能特点能够使其成为有史以来最受欢迎的虚拟乐器软件
SampleTank 3如此强大的原因就在于其非同寻常的超大音源库。SampleTank 3现在有超过33千兆字节的专业录音乐器 —包含有21大类的4000件乐器 —远远多于大多数开箱即用的音乐工作站数量。此外,SampleTank 3包含有超过2,500首鼓、打击乐以及制作完整循环需要用到的旋律,并且,在全新的MIDI播放器部分还包含有超过2,000首MIDI节奏型。
SampleTank 3中的声音绝非普通,音源库中的声音全都是由专业的音乐家在世界顶尖的录音棚演奏,经过IK公司经验丰富的录音工程师悉心收录整理。为了能够还原在现场演出时饱满而富有生动的声音,带来最真实的现场演奏效果,我们对每一件乐器都经过精心挑选并录制。有了SampleTank 3,就如同是有一位音乐家在你的房间和你一起演奏一般 — 更重要的是SampleTank 3强大的编辑和效果器功能能够让您控制这些声音的方方面面,给您带来前所未有的创作体验。
尽管SampleTank 3以其数量庞大的高品质音乐采样为特色 — 所包含的种类远远超过同类的音源工作站— 但最突出的是它精准的复制了您最喜爱的乐器的声音。无论是钢琴、鼓、贝司、吉他、合成器、铜管乐器、弦乐、人声或者是其他具有异域风情的乐器稍加调整混音就能够十分出彩。并且,全都按照工作站工作流程进行制作,让你能发挥最佳水平,立刻制作出听起来很棒的音乐。
Tape Echo
Vintage EQ-1A
Plate Reverb
Hall Reverb
Model 670
Black 76
White 2A
Electric Flanger
Small Phazer
Chorus C1
Opto Tremolo
American Vintage-T
British Tube-Lead-2
Modern Tube-Lead
SVT Classic
Jazz Amp 120
Stereo Imager
Acoustic Resonance
Piano Lid
SampleTank — the industry standard sound workstation that‘s made history. In 2001, IK Multimedia made history with SampleTank, the first ever sample-based sound workstation for computer. That release was followed in 2003 by SampleTank 2, which has since become an industry standard with an unparalleled software longevity due to its high-quality sounds, easy-to-use interface and powerful included effects. Considering its versatility and power, it's no wonder that SampleTank has been featured on thousands of the most iconic productions and compositions of the last decade.
Now, over ten years in the making, SampleTank 3 builds on this storied heritage. Like its predecessors, it's the most advanced sound workstation available on the market today with a whole new world of sounds, advanced playing and editing features and a full suite of studio-quality effects. SampleTank 3 builds on the features that have made it one of the most popular virtual instruments of all time making it an essential piece in the musical toolkit of any serious musician, studio producer or live performer for years to come.
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